发布日期:2024-11-05 11:04:58 作者: 来源:
———————— 个 人 介 绍 ————————
殷斌,粤港澳大湾区精准医学研究院(广州)创新医疗器械研究中心主任, 复旦大学兼职教授,博士生导师。东南大学控制理论和工程博士,荷兰埃因霍温理工大学博士后。先后担任飞利浦荷兰研究院高级研究员,中国研究院资深研究员、研究总监和互联关护首席科学家。主要研究领域为传感技术、信号处理、机器学习、生理信号监测和可穿戴技术及其在个人健康和医疗领域的应用。领导和参与飞利浦、欧盟、中欧政府间以及跨国院校和临床合作项目数十个, 负责金额上千万欧元。科研成果转化10余个,创造直接和间接商业价值数亿欧元, 获得三次飞利浦重大技术成果转化奖(Grand Cru Award)。参与和主持了世界首个基于单加速度传感器的日常活动监测器和首个可穿戴式医用监护仪的研发,国内首个PCI术后远程管理系统的研发及商业化支持。拥有89项发明专利授权(其中22项美国专利)和100余项专利申请,生理信号监测相关专利得到广泛引用。在IEEE Journal, Transactions等行业一流期刊和会议发表论文50多篇。2017年获得飞利浦杰出成就奖,2016年和2022年分别获得飞利浦发明专利铜奖和银奖。2016至2023代表飞利浦担任中国医疗器械行业协会智慧和移动医疗分会副理事长, 2024年起担任广东省医疗器械标准化技术委员会委员,并代表粤港澳大湾区精准医学研究院担任中国医疗器械行业协会智慧和移动医疗分会理事。
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1.M. Awais, X. Long, B. Yin* et al., A Hybrid DCNN-SVM Model for Classifying Neonatal Sleep and Wake States Based on Facial Expression in Video, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 25(5), 2021
2.X. Ding, D. Clifton, …, B. Yin** et al. , Wearable Sensing and Telehealth Technology with Potential Applications in the Coronavirus Pandemic, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 14, 2020
3.X. Long, B. Yin*, R. Aarts, Single-accelerometer-based daily physical activity classification, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2009
4.A. Jin, B. Yin*, G. Morren et al., Performance evaluation of a tri-axial accelerometry-based respiration monitoring for ambient assisted living, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2009
5.A. G. Bonomi, A. H. C. Goris, B. Yin* et al., Detection of type, duration, and intensity of physical activity using an accelerometer, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2009
6.B. Yin, W.M.J. Coene, Scalar diffraction modeling in optical disk recording using wave function assembling, Applied Optics, 2007
7.B. Yin, A. Padiy, K. Schep, Data-to-wobble cross talk cancellation in optical disc systems, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2004
8.B. Yin, P.C.W. Sommen, P. He, Exploiting acoustic similarity of propagating paths for audio signal separation, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2003
1.B. Yin, S. Jin, M. Li et al., Fetal monitoring system and method, US-11399766-B2, 2022
2.B. Yin, S. Jin, Y. Zhang, Monitoring device for monitoring the delivery and taking of medication pills and a monitoring method, US-10912716-B2, 2021
3.B. Yin, P. Dillen, Determining energy expenditure of a user, US-10512423-B2, 2019
4.B. Yin, H. Duric, G. Morren et al., Method and apparatus for processing a cyclic physiological signal, EP-2533693-B1, 2018
5.B. Yin, S. Fokkenrood, H. Duric et al., Monitoring of vital body signals during movement, US-9833171-B2, 2017
6.B. Yin, R. Doornbos, Sensing device for detecting a wearing position, US-9119568-B2, 2015
7.B. Yin, Activity monitoring system insensitive to accelerations induced by external motion factors, US-8416102-B2, 2013
8.B. Yin, K. Schep, B. Stek et al., Method for processing a wobble signal, US-7289409-B2, 2007
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