




发布日期:2022-12-14 11:19:09 作者: 来源:










  清华大学学士、硕士,辛辛那提大学医学院博士。博士后阶段在美国辛辛那提儿童医院/霍华德·休斯医学研究院(HHMI)师从Jeff RobbinsJeff Molkentin教授,进行心血管疾病方面的研究。20207月开始在辛辛那提儿童医院任PI,与Jeff Molkentin教授合作进行独立的研究工作。20224月加入粤港澳大湾区精准医学研究院(广州)担任青年研究员,课题组长。截止目前,已发表SCI论文22篇,其中以第一或共同一作者在Circulation Research, Nature Cardiovascular Research, PNAS, Protein & Cell, Cancer Letters等国际知名杂志发表论文11篇。主持美国心脏协会(AHA)职业发展奖励基金一项,博士后基金一项。










 1.Meng Q*, Tang X*, Gulick J, Osinska H, James J, Wei W, Snowball J, Vagnozzi R, Lin X, Whitsett J, Robbins J#, Molkentin JD#. EMC3 Regulates Protein Homeostasis in the Cardiovascular System. (*equal contribution, #correspondence) (under revision in Circulation Research)

 2.Meng Q*, Bowers S*, Kuwabara Y, Huo J, Minerath R, York A, Sargent M, Prasad, V, Soviola A, Galindo D, Hansen K, Vagozzi R and Molkentin JD. Cardiac Fibroblasts Regulated Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Through Dynamic Regulation of Type I Collagen. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.05.25.493406 (*equal contribution)

 3.Bowers S*, Meng Q*, Molkentin JD. Fibroblasts Orchestrate Cellular Crosstalk in the Heart Through the ECM. Nature Cardiovascular Research. 2022 (1), 312-321. (*equal contribution)

 4.Meng Q, Bhandary B, Bhuiyan MS, James J, Osinska H, Valiente-Alandi I, Shay-Winkler K, Gulick J, Molkentin J, Blaxall B and Robbins J. The role of myofibroblast specific TGFb receptor II signaling in a fibrotic response to cardiac disease. Circulation Research. ÄÇ 2018;123:1285-1297.

 5.Bhandary B, Meng Q, James J, Osinska H, Gulick J, Valiente-Alandi I, Sargent M, Bhuiyan MS, Blaxall B, Molkentin J and Robbins J. Cardiac fibrosis in proteotoxic cardiac disease is dependent upon myofibroblast TGFb signaling. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018 Oct 16;7(20).

 6.Meng Q, Mongan M, Wang J and Xia Y. Repression of MAP3K1 expression and JNK activity by the canonical Wnt pathway. Developmental biology. 2018 Aug 15;440(2):129-136.

 7.Singh SR, Zech ATL, Geertz B, Reischmann-Düsener S, Osinska H, Prondzynski M, Krämer E, Meng Q, Redwood C, van der Velden J, Robbins J, Schlossarek S and Carrier L. Activation of autophagy ameliorates cardiomyopathy in Mybpc3-targeted knockin mice. Circ Heart Fail. 2017 Oct;10(10)

 8.Meng Q, Bhandary B, Osinska H, James J, Xu N, Shay-Winkler K, Gulick J, Willis MS, Lander C and Robbins J. MMI-0100 inhibits cardiac fibrosis in a mouse model overexpressing cardiac myosin binding protein C. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 Sep 4;6(9).

 9.Lee JH, Tucker Z, Mongan M, Meng Q and Xia Y. Magnetic resonance imaging study of eye congenital birth defects in mouse model. Mol Vis. 2017 Aug 10;23:572-578. eCollection 2017.

 10.Chen L, Mongan M, Meng Q, Wang Q, Kao W and Xia Y. Corneal Wound Healing Requires IKB kinase b Signaling in Keratocytes. PLoS One. 2016 Mar 17;11(3):e0151869. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151869. eCollection 2016.

 11.Chen L, Peng Z, Meng Q, Mongan, M, Wang J, Sartor M, Chen J, Niu L, Medvedovic M, Kao W and Xia Y. Loss of IkB kinase b promotes myofibroblast transformation and senescence through activation of the ROS-TGFb autocrine loop. Protein & Cell. 2016 Mar 5.

 12.Yousaf R, Meng Q, Hufnagel RB, Xia Y, Puligilla C, Ahmed ZM and Riazuddin S. MAP3K1 function is essential for cytoarchitecture of the mouse organ of Corti and survival of auditory hair cells. Dis Model Mech. 2015 Dec 1;8(12):1543-53.

 13.Mongan M, Meng Q, Wang J, Kao WW, Puga A, Xia Y. Gene-Environment Interactions Target Mitogen-activated Protein 3 Kinase 1 (MAP3K1) Signaling in Eyelid Morphogenesis. J Biol Chem. 2015 Aug 7;290(32):19770-9.

 14.Meng Q, Mongan M, Carreira V, Kurita H, Liu CY, Kao WW and Xia Y. Eyelid closure in embryogenesis is required for ocular adnexa development. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 Nov 6;55(11):7652-61.

 15.Meng Q*, Mongan M*, Wang J, Tang X, Zhang J, Kao W and Xia Y. Epithelial sheet movement requires the cooperation of c-Jun and MAP3K1. Dev Biol. 2014 Nov 1;395(1):29-37. (* Equal Contribution)

 16.Meng Q, Jin C, Chen Y, Chen J, Medvedovic M and Xia Y. (2014) Expression of Signaling Components in Embryonic Eyelid Epithelium. PloS ONE 9(2): e87038. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087038

 17.Jin C, Chen J, Meng Q, Carreira V, Tam NN, Geh E, Karyala S, Ho SM, Zhou X, Medvedovic M and Xia Y. Deciphering gene expression program of MAP3K1 in mouse eyelid morphogenesis. Dev Biol. 2013 Feb 1;374 (1): 96-107.

 18.Geh E*, Meng Q*, Mongan M, Wang J, Takatori A, Puga A, Lang RA and Xia Y. Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 (MAP3K1) integrates developmental signals for eyelid closure. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Oct 18;108(42):17349-54. (* Equal Contribution)

 19.Meng Q, Xia Y. c-Jun, at the crossroad of the signaling network. Protein & Cell. 2011 Nov; 2(11):889-98.

 20.Chen L, Meng Q, Kao W and Xia Y. (2011). IkB kinase b regulates epithelium migration during corneal wound healing. PLoS ONE 6 (1): e16132.

 21.Li Y, Wang P, Zhuang Y, Lin H, Li Y, Liu L, Meng Q, Cui T, Liu J, Li Z. Activation of AMPK by berberine promotes adiponectin multimerization in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. FEBS Lett. 2011 Jun 23; 585(12):1735-40.

 22.Meng Q, Peng Z, Chen L, Si J, Dong Z and Xia Y. Nuclear Facotr-kB modulates cellular glutathione and prevents oxidative stress in cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 2010 Dec 18; 299(1): 45-53.

 23.Peng Z, Geh E, Chen L, Meng Q, Fan Y, Sartor M, Shertzer HG, Liu ZG, Puga A and Xia Y. Inhibitor of kB Kinase b regulates redox homeostasis by controlling the constitutive levels of glutathione. Mol Pharmacol. 2010 May;77(5):784-92.

 24.Huang Z, Cui T, Liu J, Zhuang Y, Meng Q, Tao L and Li Z. (2008). Characterization of the expression of CTRP9, a paralog of adiponectin. Tsinghua Science and Technology 13: 492-499.



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